The longer I'm here, every day I have with Andy, the more I know he's right for me and that moving here was the right thing to do.
You know, I've never been one to do things rationally. And I've never been the type of girl who could meet someone, go out on a few dates, and then commit to a relationship after finding out if the compatibility is there. Either it is, or it isn't - wanna be boyfriendgirlfriend? Of course, there was never an opportunity for that, but even if it had happened, my patience wouldn't have lasted.
My first real date was November 1st, 2002 and it was with Nick Franek. He took me to a comedy club in downtown Seattle, after which we took a midnight stroll through the Science Center, where the Space Needle and dome fountain are found. It was a marvelous time, a night I won't forget, particularly because I half-expected him to commit himself to me right then and there.
Because that's what I'm like. THIS is what I'm like.
Wanting something with Andy almost as soon as we met seemed the most logical thing in my life because THIS is what I'm like. What I'm like is unrealistic and illogical, but both are aspects of who I am and how I do things, and so it all works for me.
Just think about this... I've been here nearly six months now, haven't I? I believe some credit is due.
It has been hard. There were so many things Andy and I had expectations for, some (if not most) of which never took place. We've come a long way as a couple. This was something I have never had before - a real relationship - and so arguing, not seeing eye-to-eye, discovering things about each other have all been new experiences. Experiences we both needed in order to grow as individuals and a couple. Sounds like a cliche, but it's completely true.
It comes down to this... I'm crazy about him. Absolutely head-over-heels. We've reached that place in our relationship where everything's really comfortable, but I still get butterflies when he says something sweet, does something romantic or unexpected. Andy has never faltered. He's never been inconsistent. He's never hid behind a romantic alter ego, only to reveal an ugly reality later. He really is the way he is, and for that, I consider myself so lucky to have him.
You wanted the good, the bad, and everything in between and I couldn't have said it better myself. Because that's exactly what this has been. Good. Bad. Everything in between.
The fall and winter have been blues-y times. During the holidays, being so far from my family for the first time in my life, it was a tough reality check. I consider myself to be easily adapted to whatever or wherever, but the realization that I would not be there to open Christmas presents with my family was, to be honest, devastating. Something I had to get over.
I think, with Spring and Summer heading our way (quite quickly now), moods and times will perk up. Not that the last six months have been complete downers - are you kidding?! (Valentine's Day was one of the most magical days of my life, c'mon!) I'm only saying that since our lives are finally starting to settle in and conditions are feeling more consistent and relaxed, these next months will feel like a leisurely stroll compared to the uphill climb we've been pressing since I got here.
I'm not sure what else to write without getting too personal. As much as I'd love to dish all the juicy parts of my relationship with Andy here for all the world wide web to see, there's still that part of me that enjoys her privacy (and her secrets). Plus, writing about this only on the rare occasion is what keepsyou coming back it exciting.
You know, I've never been one to do things rationally. And I've never been the type of girl who could meet someone, go out on a few dates, and then commit to a relationship after finding out if the compatibility is there. Either it is, or it isn't - wanna be boyfriendgirlfriend? Of course, there was never an opportunity for that, but even if it had happened, my patience wouldn't have lasted.
My first real date was November 1st, 2002 and it was with Nick Franek. He took me to a comedy club in downtown Seattle, after which we took a midnight stroll through the Science Center, where the Space Needle and dome fountain are found. It was a marvelous time, a night I won't forget, particularly because I half-expected him to commit himself to me right then and there.
Because that's what I'm like. THIS is what I'm like.
Wanting something with Andy almost as soon as we met seemed the most logical thing in my life because THIS is what I'm like. What I'm like is unrealistic and illogical, but both are aspects of who I am and how I do things, and so it all works for me.
Just think about this... I've been here nearly six months now, haven't I? I believe some credit is due.
It has been hard. There were so many things Andy and I had expectations for, some (if not most) of which never took place. We've come a long way as a couple. This was something I have never had before - a real relationship - and so arguing, not seeing eye-to-eye, discovering things about each other have all been new experiences. Experiences we both needed in order to grow as individuals and a couple. Sounds like a cliche, but it's completely true.
It comes down to this... I'm crazy about him. Absolutely head-over-heels. We've reached that place in our relationship where everything's really comfortable, but I still get butterflies when he says something sweet, does something romantic or unexpected. Andy has never faltered. He's never been inconsistent. He's never hid behind a romantic alter ego, only to reveal an ugly reality later. He really is the way he is, and for that, I consider myself so lucky to have him.
You wanted the good, the bad, and everything in between and I couldn't have said it better myself. Because that's exactly what this has been. Good. Bad. Everything in between.
The fall and winter have been blues-y times. During the holidays, being so far from my family for the first time in my life, it was a tough reality check. I consider myself to be easily adapted to whatever or wherever, but the realization that I would not be there to open Christmas presents with my family was, to be honest, devastating. Something I had to get over.
I think, with Spring and Summer heading our way (quite quickly now), moods and times will perk up. Not that the last six months have been complete downers - are you kidding?! (Valentine's Day was one of the most magical days of my life, c'mon!) I'm only saying that since our lives are finally starting to settle in and conditions are feeling more consistent and relaxed, these next months will feel like a leisurely stroll compared to the uphill climb we've been pressing since I got here.
I'm not sure what else to write without getting too personal. As much as I'd love to dish all the juicy parts of my relationship with Andy here for all the world wide web to see, there's still that part of me that enjoys her privacy (and her secrets). Plus, writing about this only on the rare occasion is what keeps
Would you believe me if I told you that it rains harder and nearly just as frequently in Tennessee as it does in Seattle?

"Martin Luther", played by Joseph Fiennes, in the movie Luther, tells the story of a incredible figure in religious history.
If you've been reading jeffersonair since the beginning, you may have picked up on a certain aspect of my life, which is spiritual warfare. Most often, I dodge the topic, because it's something I've always felt very few readers could relate to. More than likely, I'm very wrong about this. But it's a subject I hold very near and dear to my heart, because it's a part of who I am, but I struggle to describe that part.
Andy and I watched Luther last night. For Andy, it was a refresher for his Christian History class, and for me, it was a chance to relate.
In all my years I've struggled spiritually; in all the episodes where I have found myself wrestling (literally) with God and the Devil - I have never seen anything or anyone portray exactly what it's been like until I watched this film.
So if you want to understand Carly's World just a tad bit better, and also enjoy good filmmaking, go to the movie store and check out Luther. Pay attention to the scenes where "Luther" is battling alone in his room. When you're watching him, picture me in his place, except ignore the bald spot on the back of his head - it's not too flattering.
Don't be scared of anything at all
Everything we have is all we need
All the spotlights streaming into angry skies
Means there's no one watching as we leave
Say the first thing that
Comes into your head when you see me
If it looks like it works and it feels like it works
Then it works
With the sun on your face
All these worries will soon disappear
Just follow me now
I find careful patterns in the snow
It seems you did come round but changed your mind
If you'd just take ten more steps to me
I won't ever ask you again
Just because I couldn't say doesn't make me a liar
I noticed a change in the tone of your voice
It's so clear
My role in this mess
Is not something that I can be proud of
But it's all going to change
Say the first thing that
Comes into your head when you see me
If it looks like it works and it feels like it works
Then it works
With the sun on your face
All these worries will soon disappear
Just follow me now
Andy and I were hanging out with Tamara and Bau, watching a DVD about the Pixies when Andy came across a crunched up newspaper article laying on Bau's floor. It was titled "Where Are All the Good Musicians?" and it was written by some random 22-two-year old guy.
I wish I had the article in my hand, so I could quote it directly, but I do remember sentences containing horrific phrases such as, "...and that's like, well..." And the writer made outrageous claims like, "...the closest thing to a classic band of my generation is Dave Matthews Band!"
No exaggeration. No kidding around. A real editor of a real newspaper read this article and still published it.
This guy was mad! He was upset! "Where are all the good musicians?" he demanded to know. "Where's my generation's Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, the Clash? Where?!"
As much as there is bad music in the industry, there is also a large amount of good. Classic, even. And for someone to say that Dave Matthews Band is the closest thing to a "classic band" of my generation is insulting! And most of all, it's ignorant. What is this guy listening to? The radio? Because Dave Matthews is probably going to be the best thing you'll find there, unless you have access to the local college station.
Far as I know, there is a ton of great music to be heard, but it's up to individuals to go look for it. It's not going to be handed to them, especially not by the local radio, which will advertise model agencies and the best places for getting your tires rotated! There's no such thing as the "Good Music of Your Generation" genre.
Right now, the media is shoving bands like Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, and God knows how many triple-threat teenage bombshells who can't be in a movie without putting out the single first. This is the junk food of popular music and Americans are eating it up!
Of course, everyone is entitled to like their own music. If you like Ashlee Simpson and find her blonde-to-black transformation quite rebellious and her music to be original, then that is fully your opinion. If you think that's good music, fine. At least you think there's good music!
I simply cannot stand the close-mindedness of some people. They've limited their search to barely the length of their arm. They'll go no further than the "newest releases" section of the local CD shop and they think that's all my generation has to offer. But they're so wrong! There is so much to be heard and be discovered. Music that will revolutionize your own definition of the word "music". If you really want to know where all of today's good, classic musicians are, then you're going to need to step passed the "newest releases" and venture into the unknown. Because believe me, those bands, those artists, those musicians - they're not going to be found in the main display any time soon.
Search. Explore. Listen. Find out what you like. And if you come across anyone who says there are no good musicians in today's music, repremand them without any restraint. They need to be slapped.
I wish I had the article in my hand, so I could quote it directly, but I do remember sentences containing horrific phrases such as, "...and that's like, well..." And the writer made outrageous claims like, "...the closest thing to a classic band of my generation is Dave Matthews Band!"
No exaggeration. No kidding around. A real editor of a real newspaper read this article and still published it.
This guy was mad! He was upset! "Where are all the good musicians?" he demanded to know. "Where's my generation's Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, the Clash? Where?!"
As much as there is bad music in the industry, there is also a large amount of good. Classic, even. And for someone to say that Dave Matthews Band is the closest thing to a "classic band" of my generation is insulting! And most of all, it's ignorant. What is this guy listening to? The radio? Because Dave Matthews is probably going to be the best thing you'll find there, unless you have access to the local college station.
Far as I know, there is a ton of great music to be heard, but it's up to individuals to go look for it. It's not going to be handed to them, especially not by the local radio, which will advertise model agencies and the best places for getting your tires rotated! There's no such thing as the "Good Music of Your Generation" genre.
Right now, the media is shoving bands like Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, and God knows how many triple-threat teenage bombshells who can't be in a movie without putting out the single first. This is the junk food of popular music and Americans are eating it up!
Of course, everyone is entitled to like their own music. If you like Ashlee Simpson and find her blonde-to-black transformation quite rebellious and her music to be original, then that is fully your opinion. If you think that's good music, fine. At least you think there's good music!
I simply cannot stand the close-mindedness of some people. They've limited their search to barely the length of their arm. They'll go no further than the "newest releases" section of the local CD shop and they think that's all my generation has to offer. But they're so wrong! There is so much to be heard and be discovered. Music that will revolutionize your own definition of the word "music". If you really want to know where all of today's good, classic musicians are, then you're going to need to step passed the "newest releases" and venture into the unknown. Because believe me, those bands, those artists, those musicians - they're not going to be found in the main display any time soon.
Search. Explore. Listen. Find out what you like. And if you come across anyone who says there are no good musicians in today's music, repremand them without any restraint. They need to be slapped.
Sometimes, I have random outbursts of creativity and they always manage to make it to the white board that's currently magnetized to my refrigerator.
Wait here and I'll show you stars - sparkling, shiny stars with gold layers, sitting on the edge of the universe's bedsheets, just waiting to wake up, so to kiss the moon and hug the sun, because this is what a star does. 2/5/05
Wait here and I'll show you stars - sparkling, shiny stars with gold layers, sitting on the edge of the universe's bedsheets, just waiting to wake up, so to kiss the moon and hug the sun, because this is what a star does. 2/5/05