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Embrace Yourself.

Being broken is the same as being beautiful.


Sometimes, I figure people must wonder why I don't just pick up my stuff and go back home. Just about everyone knows (because I've let them know) that I really don't like this area or the South in general. It's nothing prejudiced. It's mostly that I miss home and Seattle's perfect weather, not to mention the fact that the majority of people in the Northwest are not Christian, and I miss that type of community. Out here, with over 400 churches in this one town alone, people just figure you must be Christian and if you're not, well... Why aren't you?

Okay, maybe I am a little prejudiced. Either way, I think my take stands on solid ground. I love the people here and I have made some very close friends whom I'll keep for life, but generally speaking... This just isn't where I'm supposed to end up.

But that's what I have to emphasize. End up. I'm not going to end up here. This is only temporary. I'll go to school, work my butt off, spend a semester in England, eventually finish and when that happens, who knows! I could go anywhere. Do anything. Of course, so long as it's what God has planned. I've always done what I felt God was leading me to do and I've never gone wrong. I've been hurt and battered about, but it's always been part of His plan in helping me grow and make me better. And people will call that a cop-out, that I'm wrong and crediting God for what appears to have been a regrettable decision is really naive, but I know how I feel about this and no one can change my mind.

I follow God's lead with everything I do. And since that's the case, I can never go wrong. Because He's always led me into something even better than before.

Try it sometime.

Currently listening to:

Thom Yorke
The Eraser

An Open Letter to the Creepy Man at the City Library.

To the 50-something-year-old man sitting at the computer next to me at the city library:

I cannot express how deeply troubled I am at the strange noises coming from your side of the divider. The way you type using only two fingers and mumble to yourself indistinguishably makes me uneasy. What's worse and even more uncomfortable is what I can hear.

Saying things like, "Damn, girl..." and "Would you take a look at that?" and "Mmm..." really makes me think that whatever you're observing on your public library computer can't be... decent? And I really wish you wouldn't have reached over to my side of the divider to take my pencil, brushing my arm in the process, only to ask if you could borrow it after you'd already taken it. That's just disrespectful.

I could handle the mumbling. I could even tolerate the strange hand motions and the taking of my pencil. But when you lean in my direction during the middle of "whatever" it is your doing just to ask me how I'm doing... That just gives me the heeblie-jeeblies.

Public libraries shouldn't be this scary. Shame on you.