I'll tell you what the best part of being engaged is. It's knowing you're getting ready to spend the rest of your life with your best friend.
I wish you could all know George. I suppose the best way for you to know him is through me and what I tell you. Still, nothing compares to who he is in person.
George is a nurturer. There have been a few times now when I've been sick or haven't been well and George has been there to take care of me. Most recently, we started working out to get in shape before the wedding. We went jogging for the first time outside and it was so cold, I couldn't make it passed three blocks. After that, I developed a wheezy breathing pattern. This eventually brought on a terrible cough and some kind of bronchial infection. I kept avoiding the doctor's office but George refused to let me get worse and took me to the emergency room at 1:00 in the morning, despite my insisting we wait until the next day. But I'm glad he made me go, because I was able to get antibiotics and medicine to help me breathe and sleep easy.
That may not seem like such a big deal or maybe you think it was George's responsibility to take care of me anyway... I do know that in previous relationships, I've never had anyone care for me or look to my needs so adamantly like he does every single day.
He loves me and I know it. There's no question. I can't tell you what a relief it is to be loved so unconditionally. Every part of who I am is loved and I am free to be whoever I want from one day to the next. So if one day, I'm in a great mood, George will love me. And if the next day, I'm in a funk, George will love me. And the day after that, if I'm homesick, George loves me. And when I'm tired, angry, hyper, goofy, or acting crazy, George still loves me.
And I love him right back.
Here are some interesting facts about George, in case you wondered about who exactly I'm marrying this summer:
His full name is George Allan Chaney and no, he has no relation to Dick Ch
He will turn 22 years old on October 19, 2007.
He is a Biology Teacher/Health Science major in school.
He loves to watch movies, even if he comes in during the middle of it.
His favorite band is Bleach (I'm pretty sure) but enjoys good music altogether.
He would like to get a tattoo (or two) dedicated to his dad, George "Ricky" Richard Chaney.
His philosophy in life is to live joyfully and to climb some trees along the way.
And if I can get in good enough shape, I'll climb those trees with him.