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Wait! We're Alive!

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Originally uploaded by carlybish
I think it's high time I posted something, don't you?

So four months ago, George and I got married. Maybe you've already seen the photos on Flickr. If you haven't, check them out. Our photographer did an amazing job.

Since then, a lot has taken place.

Like an entire fall semester at Lee.

And I became an aunt for the first time! (Again, check out Flickr photos.)

George and I were promoted at work.

We switched to the South Beach Diet. (Random, I know!)

It's kind of a lot when you think about it all happening in the last four months. Kinda crazy.

Life has been so busy, I was quite tempted to send this place back into the blogosphere. But writing has always been a passion, even if it's just about plain, mediocre stuff. Although, I much prefer the more exciting stuff. Or funny and ridiculous stuff. Either way, I think I'll keep it around.

I take my last final of the semester today. I'm thrilled to have this semester over with. We really need the break.

Married life is wonderful. But we can't wait to graduate, so our time is not so consumed with things besides each other.

So there you go. Hope that encourages you. We're still alive and well. Just really, really, really, REALLY busy.

Okay, bye.

For now.