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Sunburnt and Loving Lobsterhood.

Here I am in Hawaii! It is so beautiful here! I wish I could live here, right by the beach, but it is way expensive and I think I would really miss the rain and the cool weather at home. Although, I also enjoy the sun and the serious tan I have attained since arriving. We've done a bunch of things, like parasailing and body-surfing and other things. My family is having a great time and we're really enjoying each other's company. I've video-taped practically every event--I'm looking forward to showing it to my friends. I may even send a copy down to Alex and Nathan so they can see what I've been up to these past few weeks. I want to send one to Leah too because when I get back, she will already have gone to Canada, so I need to be sure that she sees the video in order to acknowledge my wonderful tan. Right now, I am like a lobster, but by the time I return home, I will look much browner.

Anyways, I'm off to finish a movie with little brother and my dad. It's nice just being able to relax and not have to worry about working or getting anything done. We've got all the time in the world at the moment and we're not rushing anything. We keep saying to each other, "Why not? We've got a few spare minutes!" It's actually really funny. Later, lovelies!
