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Could it be true? Am I due for a random tangent? Yes, I think I am...

I felt pretty today. I'm not going to elaborate on that. I'm only stating it because I rarely feel this way and on the days I do, I think it's good to remember it. See that, Ryan! I can feel good about myself! You just have to find me on a good day. Well, rather a pretty day, because everyday is a good day. Just about...

I just found out I have another philosophy test tomorrow and I am so unprepared for it, I'm afraid to go to class. Although, my friend Jen who told me about it also mentioned that she only knew it was happening because she by chance saw it on the syllabus. Our prof has failed to mention it completely. So I wonder whether he'll have the test or not tomorrow. I mean, what prof doesn't warn their students of an upcoming test? He didn't review for it or anything of the sort! Who does that?

Moving on...

I miss somebody. I couldn't stop thinking about him all day today. No, you don't know who he is, but he puts a smile on my face every time I think about him. I felt like such a girl. Like a young girl with a secret she simply can't wait to tell her closest friend, but wonders whether or not she should. Maybe some people already know it simply because I've mentioned certain words. Some girls are great at reading minds. (Hello, Lauren. Hey, Sarah, you're good at it too.) Still, I think I'm going to keep it to myself for now. I'll just continue missing him privately.

Alright, I think that's good enough for now. Lots on my mind now... Will write more tomorrow.