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"The truth is no one can prevent you from obeying God's will. When God tells you to proceed, no power on earth can thwart God's intentions. The world may tell you the door is closed, but you never know that for sure until God says so. While it may appear a door of opportunity for a job or place of service has been closed to you, God promises that no one can close the door of access to his presence. As long as your access to God is intact, every resource of God remains available to you.

When we are in the midst of bewildering circumstances, that is not the time to make conclusions about what God is like... We ought always to assume that God loves us and is in control of our world. Based on those truths we can approach him with confidence and wait patiently for him to reveal why he is allowing us to experience our present circumstances... We generally learn far more about what lies within our hearts when we experience hardship than when we are receiving a blessing. We also tend to rely more on God's grace when we are enduring trials than when we are enjoying comfort.

... Do not try to understand God based on your circumstances. Go to God and ask him to help you see your situation from his perspective... If there is no clear instruction, wait and do the last thing you know God told you to do. Waiting is not inactivity but continuing until God speaks.

... How do you choose which doors of opportunity to enter? Have you entered doors you should not have? Have you assumed a door was closed before you sought a clear word from God?

... Are you alert to God to recognize his voice in the midst of your circumstances?"

Hearing God's Voice, Henry and Richard Blackaby