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Tonight was great. Think of every last thing you consider great and forget about it all... Because nothing compares to how great tonight was. Nothing.

Leah and her school chums came for me around 6:45 tonight and we all left for a worship service at some friends' church/youth hall. It was at the same place I played my first show last month on the 31st. That's right, children--the Yak Room. You're all very sharp. Congrats.

Well, it was, by far, the best worship in which I have participated in about nine to ten months. Tonight, I sang to God. Really sang to Him. And I loved singing to Him. A smirk of pure gratitude was glued to my face the entire night. God is truly good. He is all good.

And to complete the evening, the girls took me to the Old Spaggetti Factory. I had never been there before, but I guarantee you, I will go back. And I will surely choose the Spinolli ice cream over the vanilla--I promise.