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I start working on Saturday at 2:00 pm! Mom's giving money to go buy "nice" clothes. So I'm heading to the Classiest of Classy! Good ol' Target!

When I went in for my interview last week, I told my mom I wanted to dress nicely, in a skirt and nice top, because I wanted to make a good impression. My mom said that Sue wouldn't care how I dressed and would probably rather see me in a casual pair of jeans and T-shirt. My mom has known Sue for several yeras now and I took her word for it and showed up to the interview in a T-shirt and a pair of jeans with holes in the knees. Apparently, Sue wasn't all too impressed by that, but my mom took the fall and said it was her fault.

So, to prove to Sue that I don't always dress like a hobo, I'm heading off to the prestigous Target to buy some new things that are cute, feminine, and above all, conservative. Wish me luck! Shopping is one my most dreaded experiences.