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This has been a difficult last week or so. I've been experiencing some incidences that are defined by the phrase, "Oh, that sucks." Just the same, I find myself in surprisingly high spirits. I'm overwhelmed by a sense of blessing.

I've had a bad car week. In the last 10 days or so, I have locked my keys in my car twice, locked my keys in the store once, lost my keys, lost my gas cap... Just yesterday, I took a corner too sharp going into a parking lot and I scraped my right rear tire--not damaging it, but jarring my senses, nonetheless.


Work has been pretty scary, to say the least. If you recall, a few weeks back, I had a situation while working at the store. A woman named Robby came in Sunday morning at 11:00 and did not leave (for good) until 4:30 in the afternoon. It was so fatiguing, by the end of the night, my stress levels had driven me into a week's worth of a head flu. Later, I discovered that the woman suffers from bipolar and is also manic depressive. Sue (my boss) decided to gently explain to Robby that it would be best if she no longers comes into the store. From what we could all tell, Robby took it very well and left without any fuss. Unfortunately, two days later, she showed up again and she was already on the edge. Sue quickly whisked her outside and stated, "Robby, I thought I made it clear that you are disruptive and it would be best if you don't come to the store anymore." This time, Robby was not so understanding and she started to verbally attack Sue. Robby also tends to invade personal space, so as she was yelling, Sue felt her getting closer and closer." So close, Carly, that I thought she was going to hit me, " Sue told me. I could hardly believe my ears. Sue felt threatened by Robby and didn't know what to do. Sue explained that I should act as though I don't know anything should Robby come near the store again. But I told Sue, "I won't give her that chance. If Robby comes anywhere near the store, I'm calling security immediately." And Sue understood completely.

So for the last two weeks or so, I've had this nervous tinge in the back of my mind, wondering what Robby is actually capable of. Articles in papers with headlines like INNOCENT CLERK SHOT DEAD, KILLER TURNS GUN ON HERSELF are very familiar and typical, but you never actually think you could ever be their main subject. That you are in fact the "innocent clerk." Thus far, I haven't seen any signs of Robby. But I'm not letting my guard down any time soon. I've got the security guard phone number memorized.

Hurray for chaos!

But despite all that, blessings are abound! I have a brand new blog design! And while many of you will proudly say it's a sad reason to be happy, I could care less! Because it freaking rocks my world! I've also had a chance to make a new friend and really be someone I know God wants me to be. Caring, loving, compassionate, gentle, and accepting. Nothing compares to when you know you're making God proud. Absolutely nothing. And lastly, I just had an artichoke for dinner and it will probably be the only one I have all year. Artichokes are expensive and they're a seasonal produce. Tonight, I ate one and I savored every bite.

I just can't seem to wipe this smile off my face.