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When it comes to blogging, this is the first time I have ever pointed out that it is, in fact, my birthday.


I am 20 years old and 20 years young. Lots of things have happened in this past year of living. I moved out of my parents' house and into my own apartment. I found the best roommate in the world. I landed a fair job and started working on my own side projects. Yes. I am awesome. Even at a mere 19 years of age.

Now, as I've entered my 20-something's, I can only wonder if life only gets better. I imagine this must be so. I think I am the most cynical optimist in the country. Oximorons and contradictions rule, my friends.

And so now you ask, "Carly! What have you done today to celebrate this festive occasion??"

Well, I will tell you...

I spent five hours on the telephone with Verizon jerks, trying to get my DSL connection back up and running. To no avail. Presently, I am at the library, checking my email, looking at all the birthday e-cards sent to me by various buddies. I love you all. Thank you.

I don't know when I will blog next. Quite frankly, it doesn't matter. I like keeping you all on your toes.

One thing I always like to think about every 16th day of January is the fact that I was delivered by a drunk man. Oh, the irony...

I'm 20!