There's something about Kate Winslet that I love. This is a shallow, vain, and pointless topic, but ever since watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (which you should see right now if you haven't already), I have developed a strange obsession admiration for the actress. And I'll admit to having an innocent, non-sexual crush on her. By "crush" I mean that there are so many things about Kate that I love, I wouldn't mind being like her.
Basically, this is a weak attempt to plug the movie. You should see it if you haven't yet. Because it's brilliant and I wish I could write screenplays with as much beauty. So much of the movie's dialogue has existed in my head at one time or another. There's a balance between both Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet's characters that I can relate to. I've seen the movie twice now and both times, people walked out of the theatre. I figure they are those people who thought Eternal Sunshine was just another one of Jim's slapstick movies. Thank goodness it's not. Please go see it.
Basically, this is a weak attempt to plug the movie. You should see it if you haven't yet. Because it's brilliant and I wish I could write screenplays with as much beauty. So much of the movie's dialogue has existed in my head at one time or another. There's a balance between both Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet's characters that I can relate to. I've seen the movie twice now and both times, people walked out of the theatre. I figure they are those people who thought Eternal Sunshine was just another one of Jim's slapstick movies. Thank goodness it's not. Please go see it.