Okay, okay...
Andy Duggan. He's a journalism major at Lee University in Tennessee. He loves music and would like to write about it professionally someday. He is a gentleman and has a wicked smile. We had a kickass time together. Whether we were at the festival or walking several blocks to and from the hotel, we never had a boring moment. Most of the moments we shared were magical ones. He took me to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind when we didn't have anything else to do and when a thunderstorm hit Atlanta that night, we found ourselves drenched head-to-toe and laughing uncontrollably at the chaos. He's quiet and enjoys observing life in the same way I do. But he laughs out loud when there is something to laugh at. We just have a connection. Which has grown stronger everyday since I've been home. We talk every night for hours on end. He's the sweetest person I've ever met.
And he has invited me to visit him in Tennessee. A place I've never been before. But even if I had, I think I would venture just to see him again. Because these are the days when I will write the first pages to my story.

And he has invited me to visit him in Tennessee. A place I've never been before. But even if I had, I think I would venture just to see him again. Because these are the days when I will write the first pages to my story.