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Is it simply inevitable for all aspiring writers to fail their attempts at being "truly" original? How have the Greats become great? Why do the most passionate writers pour everything into their work, only to end up big, fat cliches every time? Everything that has ever been thought and will ever need to be thought has not all been written down yet, has it?

When I die and people remember me, I hope I'm thought of as revolutionary. Although, I'm not sure how to achieve that type of reputation. But maybe if I want it bad enough, I can make it happen. And Katie Couric will request an interview. And publishers will clammer greedily for a contract with me. And fan clubs will request my appearance for their monthly book meetings. And I'll develop carpal tunnel syndrome from all those weekly book signings.

Life would be so good... If only, if only...

She's waking up...
I gave my two week's notice at work today. The plan is to work through October 8th and then leave the morning of October 14th for Cleveland, Tennessee. Our goal destination on the first day is Rapid City, South Dakota. On the second day, Kansas City. And on the third day, Cleveland.

This really is a new stage in my life. I'm moving thousands of miles from everything I know and I can only see wonderful things happening because of this.

I feel as though I have wrung Seattle dry (I refuse to make a joke about the rain) and am ready to experience a new place, a new home, and a new way of life. A life with with a full-time job and a full-time boyfriend.

If you had told me a year ago that I would be where I am right now, I would have been extremely annoyed and said, "Don't get my hopes up like that." But it's true, it really is happening, and I am ready for everything. So very happy. So, so very happy.
"And I thought to myself, 'My God! I'm already in love with a man I know that no one else will understand!'" - Kate Hudson in reference to her husband.

So happy I'm not the only one who had this same thought when they fell in love...
In the big scheme, the larger picture, in life as a whole, there is one ultimate pet peeve of mine that will always top all other peeves and that is when Christians strive to imitate other Christians when they should be imitating Christ.

Fundamentalism is killing us...
Unforgettable. Yes, in every way. So much in a mere four days - I don't think I could go into all the details. It was wonderful to be with Andy and to experience couplish things again.

The more time I spend with him, the more unbelievable our relationship becomes. I cannot tell you how many doors have opened, coincidences have occurred, and moments have been perfectly timed without even trying. I could write a novel based entirely on the incredible relationship I have with Andy and we've only known each other a mere five months. So much has happened and so much continues to happen... I need to start keeping a blog log of all the amazing stuff, because it's really starting to stack up.

Anyway... I'm home. I'm safe. I have new memories filed away in the lockers of my brain and I'll be going back to look at them often. I would not trade my long distance relationship with Andy for any sort of local one, because I know that I won't find a single human being out there that will go beyond the standard that he has set. Andy exceeds anything I ever dreamt of, in perfect honesty. So all you local boys banging at my door in hopes for a date - there are so many of you - tough luck!

I have a late flight tonight, departing at 12:08am for Chicago. I'll arrive in Atlanta around 10:30am EST. The weather will be interesting, due to Ivan rampaging by. So those of you willing, if you would keep me in your prayers, I would be forever grateful.

I'll have more to write when I get back. I've been really busy and haven't had a lot of time to get on and spew my thoughts, but that's just how life goes!

Yours remaining,
You don't know power until you've held a check for $500,000 in your hand...
I'm flying out to see Andy next weekend! It's been two and a half months since we've seen each other and we've decided it's time. I'll only be going for Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, but it will be four days perfectly spent. We'll go on a couple dates and attend a 50th Wedding Anniversary party. It's going to be so fun.

How great is being with the one you love? Can it compare to anything else? I'm being honest - It's just the greatest thing ever.

They burned us. They scared us. They made us cry. And maybe it will be centuries before we choose to forgive those who worked so hard to destroy us. But grace is our strongest weapon and remembering to use it as much as we remember the tragic day they tried to make us fall will heal us quicker than they ever thought possible. Despite burnt corners and holes ripped in the fabric, our colors still shine brilliantly. That's worth remembering.
I imagine if she looked into a magical mirror and saw her younger self, she wouldn't see much changed. Same sweat pants, same long stringy hair, same wide-rimmed glasses, same pouty lip. She can't remember things ever being anything but just as they are now, and despite accepting this long ago, it still depresses her a little more each day.

She waves timidly to the bus driver as he slows the bus to a halt. She continues waving even as the door to the bus opens wide. Standing a mere four feet, ten inches, each step onto the bus is a quiet feat, but she accepted her short legs nearly 50 years ago, when she realized she was never meant to be tall.

Staring down the aisle between seats, she quickly realized the bus was quite crowded today. Flustered, she wobbly sat in the nearest spot facing the interior of the bus.

"Damn it..." she whispered to herself, hoping someone else might hear. "Oh, damn it..."

The woman squeezed in the seat next to her leaned down and said, "The seat over there is open."

"No no no..." the woman protested. "I hate aisle seats. I hate aisle seats. I can't tell you how many purses, bags, knees, and elbows I've lost from sitting in those damned aisle seats." Despite her irritation, her voice carried a pleasant sound to it, almost as though her voice never changed from youth.

The other woman looked around and pointed across the aisle to an open space. "There. That man moved so you can sit in that seat over there."

"No no no..." she protested again. "I hate side seats. I hate side seats. The only seats I find acceptable are the ones right by the window and I look out the window and see things. Those are the best seats. Those are the best seats."

Everyone on the bus could not help wanting to listen to this eccentric and highly interesting lady. A pregnant woman looked over at me and we acknowledged each other with a smile, as though silently agreeing with each other, "Poor dear..."

I wondered what her name was and where she grew up. I thought of who her parents could be - cold and distant, raising a tiny daughter whose warm and bright qualities diminished with every year spent under their scolding eyes. I imagined her playing in her front yard as a child, pretending to be a princess and waving a toy wand in her hand, when suddenly her icey mother storms outside, grabs her daughter by the wrist, shakes it violently, saying with spite, "You are not a princess! You are not a princess! You're just an ordinary girl! An ordinary girl!" And I could see her, heartbroken, tears falling down her cheeks, echoing her mother's evil words, "I am not a princess... I am not a princess..."

The woman's pains over the ideal seat turned into a life story. "I can't get anything I want. My life is tragic. It's tragic... An existance without love is heartbreaking. An existance without love is heartbreaking. Sometimes I ask God why I wasn't born dead. 'Why wasn't I born dead?' The whole world would be a better place if I was born dead. I would have been better if I was born dead."

Soon, the whole bus began to realize the woman may be mentally unbalanced. Something wasn't quite right. Everyone sympathized for this strange lady, but I doubt many could truly relate.

"I'm going on 63 years and I still don't know my purpose. I'm positive that I don't have one. I should be erased. I should be erased. An existance without love is heartbreaking. An existance without love is heartbreaking..."

No one said anything. A huge part of me wanted to take this woman's hand and say, "You've changed my life by creating a memory in my mind that will never delete itself. And in that way, you have served a purpose. So thank you for being in my life, despite how brief."

But like a selfish oaf, I stood up out of my seat and prepared to exit. I'll kick myself for not asking her name for years to come.
My faith has waivered in the last year or so. I've started asking more questions, most of which have gone unanswered. And in desperate attempts to prove that God does not exist, I've only come to the same conclusion every time - Yes, He does. Would it be contradictory to call myself an Agnostic Christian? Because it's how I feel.

A good friend loaned me a book by Philip Yancey, an author I attempted reading before, however got lost in things less interesting to do. However, a new book and an hour commute is convenient beneficial for spiritual nourishment.

Currently, I'm just over halfway through What's So Amazing About Grace? and the part I've been able to relate to most was a chunk written in the chapter titled, "The New Math of Grace." Yancey writes:

By instinct I feel I must do something in order to be accepted. Grace sounds a startling note of constradiction, of liberation, and every day I must pray anew for the ability to hear its message.

Eugene Peterson draws a contrast between Augustine and Pelagius, two fourth-century theologian opponents. Pelagius was urbane, courteous, convincing, and liked by everyone. Augustine squandered away his youth in immorality, had a strange relationship with his mother, and made many enemies. Yet Augustine started from God's grace and got it right, whereas Pelagius started from human effort and got it wrong. Augustine passionately pursued God; Pelagius methodically worked to please God. Peterson goes on to say that Christians tend to be Augustinian in theory but Pelagian in practice. They work obsessively to please other people and even God.

Oh, how much I can relate to this...

Excellent book. Highly recommended to everyone, not just Christians. The book clearly explains how forgiveness and distribution of grace to others is an extremely unnatural thing to do, but our ability to choose to do so is what seperates humans from all other living things. Because if we are made in God's likeness, then He must be unnatural also. And if we are unnatural, as God is unnatural, what other conclusion can be drawn other than that people are spiritual beings? It simply makes me wonder.
Blue Eyes
Cary Brothers

Wish enough, wise man'll tell you a lie
Window broke, torn up screens
Who'd have thought that you'd dream
Of a single tragic scene

I just wanna sing a song with you
I just want to take it off of you

Cause Blue Eyes
You are all that I need
Cause Blue Eyes
You’re the sweet to my mean

Fess it up, dot on the palm of your hand
I can help you to stand
Saved it up for this dance
Tell me all the things you can

I just wanna sing a song with you
I just wanna be the one that's true

Cause Blue Eyes
You’re the secret I keep
Cause Blue Eyes

All the lights on and you are alive
But you can't point the way to your heart
So sublime, when the stars are aligned
But you don't know
You don't know the greatness you are

Cause Blue Eyes
You are destiny's scene
Cause Blue Eyes
I just wanna be the one

I just wanna sing a song with you
I just wanna get it on with you

Cause Blue Eyes
You’re the secret I keep
Cause Blue Eyes
I just wanna sing a song with you…

Just so that further posts make sense to you, I feel I should update you with some of the things that have been going on in the last two weeks.

  • If you can believe it, I've been working as a bank teller now for a month. The first week was definitely overwhelming. There was a ton to learn and after the first week, my head was overflowing with information. But after the second week, I was starting to get a feel for how things work. Since I started, I have received tons of encouragement from the people I work with and have managed to catch things that most "beginners" shouldn't be able to catch. Just yesterday, I found a check, amidst a large stack of other checks, written for more than a thousand dollars missing an authorized signature. The fact that I found it was impressive to those I work with.

  • Three weeks ago, my debit card info was obtained by someone I don't know and used to make large purchases online. The physical card was still in my wallet, but this person managed to get enough info to go to places like Amazon.com and SharperImage.com and buy digital "certificates", which would then allow him or her to buy stuff later on. Luckily, I caught it right away and was able to work it out, but the money only made its way back into my account today, three weeks after the fact. Mostly, it was just annoying. I don't want to go through that again.

  • Andy and I have managed to talk every day since the day we met on April 30th and as of today, we have been apart for exactly two months. A large part of me thinks that most people didn't think we would last this long. That the distance would dissolve us and we'd move on from each other. But what is happening is the exact opposite of that. And I don't know if this makes people happier for us or more frustrated, but it doesn't matter. This is the real thing and I haven't experienced anything like this before. I'm not asking people to be happy for me or for us anymore. Rather, I'm just looking for support, more than anything.

  • I've moved out of my apartment and am now living back in my parents' house. This has been the first free weekend I have had in several weeks. Because the last three weekends have been focused soley on getting my stuff moved out. But that's over with now and I can relax this weekend. Thus far, I have done nothing of real productivity this weekend and I am loving it.

  • I saw Garden State, and as I anticipated, I adored every minute of it. I thought it quite brilliant and provoking. Zach Braff used his education well and will likely make other wonderful movies in the future. This was a great first, however, and it will be one I add to my collection as soon as the DVD is released. I'd like to see it a second time, but I'll wait when I can watch it with Andy. Waiting will only make that second watching much sweeter.

  • So if you're curious about anything else, feel free to ask. Otherwise, that's about it for me. While it doesn't seem like much, a lot of that stuff has been quite emotionally draining. Maybe you can relate, maybe you can't - Either way, that's my life and you're the one reading. So this stuff must be slightly interesting, if you took the time to read it all. And if you did, I appreciate it.
    "Are you sure you don't want your middle initial printed on your name plate? Everyone else has their middle initial..."

    "I'm sure I don't want my middle initial. When people come in and read my name plate, something will automatically trigger in their brain and instead of reading my name and calling me 'Carly', they'll read the 'Carly N.' and then call me 'Carlyn'. Trust me on this one. I don't want my middle intitial."

    Three days later...

    "Congratulations, Carly! Your name plate has arrived and you are officially official!"

    "That's great! Thanks, Ross!"

    "We'll just set it on your countertop here and now everyone who comes in will immediately read your name: Carlyn Bishop!"


    "Wait... I meant Carly! Oh my goodness - You were right!"

    "Yeah... But it's a name plate and that's what counts."


    Coming home from a day of drama, I felt consumed by a petty argument - its original purpose now forgotten - and I wondered if I'd see a truly good day again. Because for two weeks, it has been nothing but one thing after another. And they all came at the most unfortunate, yet perfect time. Just as I was settling into my new job.

    I don't think it was mere coincidence that yesterday, both my former roommate and my boyfriend said to me after seperate discussions, "The cliche is true - when it rains, it pours."

    And pour it did. Driving down 522, going home after a long commute from downtown, the rain was falling hard. I glanced in my rearview mirror and saw lightning flash in the distance behind me. Dark clouds spread across the entire sky and my windshield wipers made a terrible noise, desperately trying to scrape away the rain which blurred the highway.

    Alone in my car, alone on the road, I wondered to myself, "I wonder if God is looking at me right now..." And like magic - pure, wonderful, rare magic - I watched as the dark clouds smiled and released a rainbow that spanned the width of the highway about 50 yards ahead of me. I stared and felt a rush of relief as I drove through it, suddenly realizing that yes, God was looking at me. And then, everything else just didn't seem to matter.

    PS. Hah! I bet you thought I died.