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Unforgettable. Yes, in every way. So much in a mere four days - I don't think I could go into all the details. It was wonderful to be with Andy and to experience couplish things again.

The more time I spend with him, the more unbelievable our relationship becomes. I cannot tell you how many doors have opened, coincidences have occurred, and moments have been perfectly timed without even trying. I could write a novel based entirely on the incredible relationship I have with Andy and we've only known each other a mere five months. So much has happened and so much continues to happen... I need to start keeping a blog log of all the amazing stuff, because it's really starting to stack up.

Anyway... I'm home. I'm safe. I have new memories filed away in the lockers of my brain and I'll be going back to look at them often. I would not trade my long distance relationship with Andy for any sort of local one, because I know that I won't find a single human being out there that will go beyond the standard that he has set. Andy exceeds anything I ever dreamt of, in perfect honesty. So all you local boys banging at my door in hopes for a date - there are so many of you - tough luck!
