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Who, or perhaps what, is to blame for this year's notable wave of political correctness? Was it the presidential campaign? Or perhaps this year's battle between the church and those fighting for the rights to same-sex marriage? Was it Michael Moore?

If you find yourself in the drive-thru at Dairy Queen and read a sign on their window that reads, "Merry Christmas!", are you offended? I mean, really - are you offended? If you are, will you write a letter to your local congressman in protest? Do you celebrate Chrismahanukwanzakuh and want the whole wide world to know it?

"Happy Holidays" is everywhere. Because it's the safest thing for business owners to display. Coca-Cola no longer makes their Santa Claus cans with "Christmas (Year)" written at the top, but "Holiday (Year)" instead. Santa remains on the can, but "Christmas" does not. Is anyone else bothered by this?

Instead of taking Christmas out of this joyous season, why not just include the rest of the holidays? Along with a "Merry Christmas!" sign, perhaps companys can display "Happy Hanukah!", "Kwaheri!" (for those who celebrate Kwanzaa), and "Feliz Navidad!" signs as well! Why must Christ be removed? Thanks to the giving of gifts by the wise men to baby Jesus, all of America can be thankful for the many things they receive by friends and family every December - for this is where the tradition originated. Jesus is the reason for the season, whether you like it or not.

I'm tired of this. Merry Christmas, already! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas! I can't say it enough! Merry Christmas! To those of you who celebrate the holiday or not - Merry Christmas! I love my God and He loves you, so Merry Christmas! Do not be offended because I am definitely not preaching. I am only wishing the happiest and greatest things for you and so I say "Merry Christmas."

Merry Christmas.