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Tuning in to A E C G.

Sometimes, I like to reward myself for things that aren't typically rewarded, ie. getting an acceptance letter from a university when all associates (both former and present) have received acceptance letters approximately three years ago.

This time, my gift to myself comes in the form of a $14 ukulele and the ambition to teach myself how to play it. Yes, a ukulele. Do you have to ask why?

My last musical undertaking (which I am still attempting to master) was that of an egg shaker duct-taped to my shoe for some added percussion.

I'm tired of doing the same things, recycling the same songs, going to Thirsty Thursdays every Tuesday, with nothing new to put on the open mic table.

Whatever I come up with, I promise to share with you. I know I've talked about my songwriting and guitar playing and never actually provided samples. But I promise, when the first finished product arrives, you'll get a listen. It just might be a while, since the ukulele frets are so much tinier than what I'm used to. Blast these neon strings and their incessant flexibility! But I'll get used to it.