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We've acquired several different types of fancy alcohol tonight since tomorrow is New Year's Eve and several of our friends are coming over to celebrate. The firepit is ready and the house is being cleaned for the whole event. I'm pretty excited for the New Year. This year has gone by so fast but for once, I really don't mind. I'm ready to put this year behind me. The beginning was painful and harsh and there were parts in the middle that felt the same way. And even though the year has ended so fantastically, I'm ready to embrace 2007.

I think this will be my last year in Tennessee. I'll probably complete one more semester at Lee, finish out my lease in this house and then move back to Seattle. I'll be able to work at a local Starbucks there and transfer my Cascadia and Lee credits to finish my bachelor's at the University of Washington. It'd be absolutely amazing to work at a Starbucks inside the U-District. And perhaps find a decent apartment there too. That would be incredible.

I've lived here more than two years now and by the time I move back, it will have been nearly three years. I think that's enough time to spend away from home to know exactly where I want to be. I've experienced enough cultural differences in the south to know that I don't belong here and I can do more for God back in Seattle than I can here. Most people will call themselves "Christian" here and if you accuse them of not believing, they'll likely deny it. Going to church and "being Christian" is part of the lifestyle here and if you don't, you're not like the rest... It's extremely difficult to plant seeds due to the pride that exists in this area. It's so strong that it's nearly smothered my faith out, which is why it would be best for me to move. In Seattle, God feels closer in a community where the majority of people are non-Christian. I love better when I don't know if the people around me go to church or not. And I truly feel God made me to love... And I don't want people to get the wrong idea. The people who live here are great, but there's definitely a difference. But if I personally cannot develop or grow or be successful for God, then I should go somewhere that I can. So that's the plan.

Anyway. I hope everyone has a great Christmas. Ours was busy, to say the least. Starbucks was busy as usual, but the tips were good. George and I had a lot of fun together and had dinner with Christy-Anne and her mom later that night. My parents had sent presents and I opened those. This Christmas was a blessed one and it was all because of family and friends. So thanks to all.

Happy New Year to you. I'll be sure to post pictures later. Lots of love.