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Hit by the Reality Truck.

Playing Wii at Pochi's.
Originally uploaded by carlybish
I know I've already written today, but a little more never hurts...

I fully acknowledge that marriage, the wedding, and my future husband have stood at the forefront of my thoughts in the last several months. But I was thinking about things form another perspective today and everything seemed to hit me at once... I am never going to be alone again. Everything I have will be shared. The already small bathroom will feel that much smaller. Decisions will always be "joint" decisions. We will share a checking account. And the toughest of all--I will have no choice but to choose one side of the bed.

This is a HUGE deal. I really hope I'm able to cope with all these changes. I'm sure there are a lot more things to look forward to than fret over.

What really helps is knowing how others have coped with their own newlywed ambiguities. Like Seth and Arley Worley--they're just one year into their marriage and they're already expecting a baby!

Right now, I'm just worried about sharing a bed comforter!