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My, oh my. Thought I'd write more while I was here. I was wrong, but gladly so. I just checked my email for the first time in four days and it turns out I sold a painting since I've been in California. Such good news. You know what's even greater news? The power of prayer. Even if you don't believe in all this "God mumbo jumbo," I highly recommend prayer. It's a great way to relax, release, and rejuvinate. Not to mention, God's very interested in what you've got to say.

Basically, Art is great. We went to Reno, where we:

  • ate all-you-can-eat Chinese food
  • shopped at Park Lane Mall
  • saw The Matrix: Revolutions
  • went bowling at the Hilton Hotel
  • visited the Wal Mart Superstore
  • and ate at my favorite, Carl's Junior, where our number was "94"

  • Do you feel lucky? Because I certainly do.

    I go home Thursday, the 20th. I'm looking forward to giving Amy a hearty congratulations-hug because I just found out she's landed an amazing job right next to SafeCo field. Paying rent just got that much easier. Like I said--the power of prayer.