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A good time ago, Travis asked to see pictures of my "new" apartment. Well, I've been living here for three months now, so it isn't quite so new anymore. However, I'm sure his curiousity still plagues him, as it does mine to see where he lives in Poland. So the following are shots I took just today. Hope you all enjoy seeing where it is I live, exactly.

This is the sign planted at the edge of our parking lot entrance. Obviously, as you can probably read, I live in a place called "Juanita Brook" and I quite like it here.

This is my parking spot. That is my car. I'm registered to space "22" and lucky for me, I have an overhang. So in the morning, while most cars have a sheet of ice gracing their windshields, my car's windshield is completely clear.

This is our front patio thing. We don't really have a yard, but it's decent. I think we're lucky enough to live on the bottom floor of the complex. The furniture has been there since I moved here. I only noticed it when my sister joked about how truly funny and "classy" it is to have some chairs and a small dresser sitting on the patio. Cassie always has a knack for seeing the comedy in things such as placement of furniture. I thought it was hilarious.

And the twinkly lights were my little touch.

Our front door. Number "102" on a plate of gold so elegantly placed over a lovely shade of green. Enter and be dazzled. Or not...

When you first walk into the apartment, you might notice the dining room first. Right now, we have ornament makings and decorations from Ben Franklin all over the dinner table. All our glittered, glitsy and glued creations will be ready to hang when we bring our Christmas tree home tomorrow.

If you don't notice the dining room first off, then you will probably notice the living room. It's typical. There's a couch and a long coffee table. You can't see it, but we also have a fireplace, which is convenient. There's a lamp and some shingles which cover the sliding glass window, preventing any Peeping Toms from getting a free show. Like there's anything really to show.

Once you hit the hallway, you've officially seen half the apartment. If you turn around, you'll see the front door again, but from the other side. Not much to look at yet, but I'm still thinking about how to jazz it up.

The kitchen. Small but exactly what we need. Dishwasher, sink, microwave, fridge. We've got it all. And if you come to visit me, I'll make one mean bowl of Top Ramen for you. Just for you. You can see the other side of the kitchen here.

So keep down the hallway and turn left and you'll find our bathroom. Yes, I did put the cover of the toilet seat down before taking this picture. I also have a picture of our shower and our sink and mirror too. Check them out.

I'll give you a sneak peek at Amy's room. Just a cracked door reveals an abundant amount of information about the girl. You only need to know what to look at.

So lastly, I will take you through the complexity of my room. Supposedly, you're about to see where "the magic" happens. Starting with my door. This is my door. It's a normal door, I figure. Nothing much special about it. Although, the white-board does give it a certain edge. I never know when I might find a new message written for me there. The door is exciting almost.

This would be my bed without any sheets. My sheets and pillow cases are currently tossing in the dryer. I like having clean sheets, so excuse the look of my cluttered bed. This is life, people. Life without sheet.

Turn your head slightly left and downward and you'll find my work area. This is where I sit and paint things. Notice the giant slab of cardboard and colorful oil and acrylic smears? Painting something beautiful is an ugly business. Ugly and messy. You can also see Amy's laundry in the basket there. That's kind of cool.

I'd say this is where the real magic happens. The blogger magic. That and Strong Bad emails. The other corner of my room isn't all too special, but you can still look at it if you like. And when you turn around and look back, you'll see what hangs above my bed and all that. Generally, I think my room is pretty awesome. Cluttered and unorganized, but still just right for me.

So there you have it. That's my apartment in all its splendor and glory. I love living here with Amy and Josser and having our own little family together. We are quite happy and loving this time of year. It's getting colder and the smell of pine seems to be everywhere. I bundle myself up in a scarf everyday now and my nose and cheeks turn pink shortly after I go outside. It's probably the season, but I also believe this joy comes from knowing a really nice God.

Welcome to the month of December. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have already started to. Take time to smell the gingerbread cookies--it'll only be around for the next three and a half weeks or so.