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One of the strangest things in the world is when you run into someone from your past. Doesn't quite matter if they were evil or good--it generates a lot of the same feelings.



A sense of history.

When I haven't anything to do, I'll go to Guitar Center to jam in the acoustic room. It helps relieve some stress and it's always fun. A few weeks back, I ran into a friend of mine from about a year ago. He was introduced to me by The Leah at her Going Away to School party. We went to lunch, it was nice, and we've met up a couple times since then.

After a long day of driving around, taking care of life's junk, I decided to end the evening and stopped at GC to play my favourite Taylor in hopes to relax and "take things in". I reached for the door to the acoustic room but stopped when someone said my name.


I shot around and found myself staring at someone I hadn't seen in nearly a year. We went to high school together. We met our sophomore year in high school. When I started taking my guitar to school everyday, he taught me a great deal, as I was just starting to play. I had a crush on him off-and-on up until we graduated in June of 2002, but he was anti-everything and everyone and therefore, I resolved to be his friend and make fun of him to his face whenever possible.

Kellen Anderson. Or maybe it's Andersen? No, it's Anderson. I remember when he told me he couldn't wait to apply to Guitar Center "...as soon as I turn 18!" And there he was, working and setting equipment up. We stood there and chatted for an hour before he went with me to look at guitars and while he "pitched" a sale, we caught each other up on our lives and I kept thinking, Since when does Kellen have long hair?

"I can't afford to get it cut. I hate it."

Poor guy. But seeing him brought back so many memories. He seemed so incredibly happy. That kid was never happy in high school. Ever. Ever ever ever. And he was stoked! About nothing in particular! I had no idea he was ever like that. It was good to see him.

I'll be inviting him and his best friend (Robby, who I see at school all the time) to our apartment for the party Amy and I plan on throwing. Eventually... Gah... We want to have a party so bad.

Send me money so I can throw a party and have friends again.

Love, carly.