Carly is ______.
Oh, what little I have to say... Yet, deep down, I know there is so much. I suppose I'm waiting for the next big thing to happen. Coughsummercough. It's out there. Lavishing itself somewhere over Europe, no doubt. Berlin! Vienna! Prague! I shake my fist at you!
...I've sat here the last 20 minutes, wishing for something else to say, but nothing comes to mind. So I guess I'll just go to bed and wait for that thing.
Oh, what little I have to say... Yet, deep down, I know there is so much. I suppose I'm waiting for the next big thing to happen. Coughsummercough. It's out there. Lavishing itself somewhere over Europe, no doubt. Berlin! Vienna! Prague! I shake my fist at you!
...I've sat here the last 20 minutes, wishing for something else to say, but nothing comes to mind. So I guess I'll just go to bed and wait for that thing.