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Look What He Got Me!

Carly's Ring(s).
Originally uploaded by carlybish
Two nights ago, George surprised me shortly after I got off work. The sun was going down and we pulled over to watch. Earlier that evening, he and my mom had gone out together for a Mother-In-Law-Son-In-Law date to purchase some required items for the wedding. What I didn't know was that he was also going to pick up my wedding ring! We leaned against the car, watching the last bit of color fade away from the sky, and I could feel George's heart pounding. When I asked him what was wrong, he replied "Nothing," pulled out the ring, and then asked me to marry him again!

Needless to say, I was stunned and overwhelmed by the fact that he had purchased the ring to begin with. I had settled on my white gold band and never pressed for anything more. I had expressed that having a nice wedding ring would be nice, but I never thought I'd actually have something like that.

I know I'm weird and this may sound crazy, but I never thought I was worthy of something like this. I never thought I was worth having something so nice to wear... Of course, George disagreed but I still didn't think that changed anything.

I guess it's time for me to wise up and actually believe in the things I might actually deserve. Even at the age of 23, I still struggle with my self worth. Again, that might be due to certain things from the past that I've had to heal from. Eventually, I will know what I am worth and I won't feel this way anymore.

I've never worn anything so pretty before, though. Now I understand how people must feel if they were to ever lose their ring. That would be so awful. I wish I could wear this one with a lock and key... But I need to get it resized first (notice it only fits on my pinky finger right now).

Just 21 days left. Hard to believe, eh?