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HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!! Joy to the world, the Lord is come!!!
Happy birthday, Jesus! You are my Lord, my Savior, my GOD and I am so glad that you came to save us! Take this day and bless it, please. Bless my family, my friends, and all the people who are poor and hopeless. Reveal yourself to them, GOD, and shine in their hearts.

Happy Christmas to everyone! GOD bless you!

jeffersonairplane staff.
Wow, Christmas is coming up faster than I expected, or wanted it to. Last night, I finally got presents for my parents and older sister. I still need to get something for Kyle and for my sister's fiance. Not to mention, I have not bought any presents for my friends! Sometimes I feel so terrible... This morning I was totally selfish. My mom asked if I would get up early to help her and my dad with the daily chores before I went to Susan's to babysit. Of course, I ended up sleeping in until 10:45, and even when I did wake up, I didn't do anything. What's up with me?! How self-centered can one person get? So of course, I have to leave almost immediately and my parents just look at me like, "Whatever..." and as I'm driving to Susan's, I realize that it's possible no one has taken care of the kittens! I call my dad and I end up getting chewed out, and it was totally deserved, and my dad said at the end of his speech, "Frankly, Carly, I'm disgusted with you right now and don't wanna talk about it anymore." *Click* Can you blame him?! Dad's out of work, and mom's working her butt off to support the family--especially in this time of year. And what do I do?! I blow them off to satisfy my own pleasure by sleeping in. Now, half the day is gone!

I've decided that I have to change. I'm selfish and I boss people around--so says my mom, and despite how I disagree, part of me tells me she's right. I have to change. What is nice about all this is how I can go to God and ask for His help in changing me. The only one who can change me is God and it's so great because I wouldn't want ME to change ME--that's just asking for trouble. What do I know about fixing myself?

One thing I've decided to change is the hour I wake up, and the hour I go to sleep. Every morning, I will wake up at 8:00. At night, lights are out at 11:00. That's the worst thing for me to change--the time I go to sleep. I have a lot of trouble sleeping, but I am determined to make things better and it's the best thing I can think of now.

On an excellent note, we are having MudFootball on Sunday after church. About 15 or 16 people will be coming and I am so happy because I really want to start my vacation of with a... *cheesy word approaching*... BANG! On Sunday, there is supposed to be rain! For the first time in a long time, I am glad that it will be raining! The rainer, the muddier, and the muddier, the slippier, and the slippier, the messier we become!!! Right now, I am going to make a list of people I am going to invite and call them to see if they can come. I want them to be well prepared for Sunday.

Anyways, glad I could vent. It's kinda nice being able to confess and not know who's listening or reading... But just knowing that they're there is comforting and I feel encouraged.

*This is your captain speaking. Thank you again for flying jeffersonairplane despite your pilot's schitz-O brain!*
My friend Robbie and I went ice skating last night and we had a lot of fun. Some friends were going to go with us, but they did too much walking at the mall and couldn't handle the skates on their feet, so they took off to go play board games. But Robbie and I had the awesomest time. I've known Robbie for a while now and I've always wanted to become better friends with him, and last night, I really felt like I was able to do that because we got a lot of conversation in and... Yeah, it was great. Of course, I was bummed that my friends ditched us, but life moves on, and relationships continue.

Tomorrow, I am heading off to the church that I have not been to regularly in about 1.5 years and it gives me a very strange feeling. I am going to be seeing a lot of the people that I grew up with and it is going to bring back so many memories, good and bad. I hope all goes well. I am going to miss my church though. I love my church. I love my Pastor-- the nicest man and one of the funniest. I love my church's food. I love going to church in a movie theater... It just feel so real!

Robbie and I spoke of a close friend who we both care for deeply. He was on the right path as a Christian until he got bored of the same old message being told at his church and he'd had enough. If he only came to my church, if he would only hear my Pastor speak, and listen to the band, I know he'd love it. I may be biased, but this I know for a fact! I have invited so many people to that church and they have come and they have never stopped going. I know that's what Kellen would do if he just came! It's so frustrating to watch a friend not grow closer to God, not learn more in Christ. It saddens me so much. Because I really love my friends.
I just got back from my guitar lesson. Things went fairly well, considering I didn't cry after I left. Rick wants to help me prepare for BOTB in March, so I am happy about that. Speaking of BOTB, Austin and I talked to Shaun O, (who Jon referred us to), and he is the one heading up BOTB. Turns out he is a good friend of Austin's and Sarah's. I have seen him before in the band hallway. He is a big dude with a beard and he's an amazing guitarist. He's kinda weird, but interesting all the same. Anyways, we told him about my whole March/FloridaTrip dilemma and he totally sympathized. I asked him if it was possible and he said, "I don't see why not. March 29th is a halfday. I like have BOTB on a halfday. You'll be back by then?" I say, "YES! I'll be back on the 23rd! That'll even give us time to rehearse!" He says, "Yeah. I just gotta make sure nothing is happening in the auditorium that day." Fantastic! Just perfect! My prayers have been halfway answered. Thank You, GOD! Thank You, JESUS! Just hope and pray now that the auditorium is available... I don't wanna even begin to doubt.

I wanted to BLOG this because I think it's necessary to post the good things, the relieving things, as well as all the stressful, frustrating things. I hope this is the beginning of an awesome good-things-are-happening-to-me-and-my-friends streak. Anyways, go BLOG!

*intercom static.. .. .. Captain doesn't realize the speaker is on.. .. .. ..*
"Is that a thunderstorm up ahead?!"
Every jeffersonairplane staff member and passenger gasps in horrified dispair.
".. O, nope. Nope. My mistake. Clear blue skies with cute, white fluffy clouds."
Every jeffersonairplane staff member and passenger releases their breath and closes their eyes. One flight attended faints because of lack of oxygen.. ... ... .. O well!
If things could not possibly get any more frustrating and complicated, they do! I beg you, give me a straight-jacket, lock me in a dark room with steel walls, and throw away the key! Just walk away slowly and pretend you never met me! Agh...

So I found out that Battle of the Bands is held in March. Everything seemed fine for a while, until I realized that I've made permanent, nonrefundable plans with Susan, (the woman I babysit for), to fly with her family to Florida for eight days around the same time as BOTB. I can't back out, and even if I could, I wouldn't because we are going to places I've never been, like Disney World, and Discovery Cove, where we'll swim the dolphins, and then onward to Orlando and the beaches! How on earth could I ever pass that up!?! Not to mention, they're paying me through the whole trip because I'll be keeping my eyes on two sweet, well-behaved children!

But BOTB is too important to me to just let go, pass me by, or say adios. This is becoming a mass crucial part of my life that I don't want to miss. So I decided, "Hey, this is December. Perhaps if I talk to some of the ASB people in school, they can help me out!" So today during lunch, Sarah and Austin came to support me and we headed off to room 209 to talk to the ASB people who are always there! I wanted to talk to Mrs. Clark, my sophomore English teacher, because she is mass nice and I figured she could help. We arrive to 209 and Mrs. Clark is no where to be found. I just see a bunch of ASB people sitting around, watching "Miracle On 34th Street" and eating chips. But then I saw Jon! The Senior President and a very close friend of mine from freshman through junior years! I approached Jon and asked him if Mrs. Clark was available. Austin and Sarah were standing close behind me. Jon gave me a very odd look and replied, "Mrs. Clark? What are you talking about?" I proceed to ask him about her and he tells me that Mrs. Clark had nothing to do with ASB. His looks continued to read, "Where have you been? In a cave?" Well, how am I supposed to know?! I'm only at school for two periods of the day! Jon continued to give me looks as though I was retarded and I finally looked him in the eyes and said clearly, "Stop giving me those looks, Jon." He stopped and I regained my cool, and asked him who we talk to if we're curious about events or dates and such. He said, "You talk to us." I look around for a moment and think to myself, "How on earth can these egotistical children help me?" Probably shouldn't have thought that, but I'm being honest! I gave him the shpeel: I told him that we wanted to do BOTB and we were concerned about the date because my job calls me off for eight days out of the month of March and before I could go on to explain how important it was to me, Jon cuts me off and tells me, "Carly, if you're gone, that's your own problem. Don't expect us to change the date just for you. Besides, we haven't even set the date yet. It's way too early!" That's when I tried to explain my urgency, I wanted to get to them before they set the date! But he blew me off again and told me to come back another time and, "We're too busy with WinterFest to even consider Battle of the Bands yet! Go talk to Shawn Olzschek." Who the heck is that? I have no idea. And sure, I believe you, Jon. Looks like you guys are really busy on WinterFest. Must be tough sitting on the couch eating junk food and watching movies. It's tough stuff, I bet. I cannot even fathom... So basically, I took how he was treating me very personal. As I left I just shook my head. I could not believe how big-headed he became after winning last year's election. I've even noticed the way he dresses is different. He looks like he belongs on Wallstreet. All he needs is the briefcase. No joke! I am so upset right now. I think I will find Mrs. Clark and see if she knows what I can do. She is an amazing Christian woman who helped me through a lot of tough times. She's amazing.

I'm really sorry. I had to vent this all out. I've been frustrated for the past two hours and it's just now starting to ease off. Anyways, I will pray about this one. I did last night. I asked God to soften Mrs. Clark's heart so perhaps she would hear my story. Too bad I didn't know she's not involved in ASB anymore or else I would have asked for Him to soften Jon's heart.

Anyways, I will pray for Jon too, and for myself, so that I won't get so angry next time. No, I didn't express my anger to Jon whatsoever, but I don't like feeling angry either. Never underestimate the power of prayer!
O dear! Haven't posted anything in a while. I apologize. Well, everything is becoming so hectic with all the festivities occurring all the time. Ah yes, festive-- my new favorite word. Anyways, I am becoming less and less stressed as the month presses on. I went to my guitar lesson on Tuesday and it was a very NON-stressful lesson. My teacher and I completely chorded out Evergreen by Switchfoot. It is a song we plan on playing for Battle of the Bands. Did I mention what we've decided to call the band? We're the Dilinquent Unified Minstrel Band! Or DUMB, if you so choose to call us. That Friday when we were playing, Austin was being stoopid while playing the drums, and I said to him, "You're dumb." Then Austin looked around and pointed at Sarah, stating, "Well, Sarah's dumb." Sarah looked around and laughed, "Then Dan's dumb!" Then Dan looked at me and said, "Carly's dumb!" There was a moment of silence, then I screamed, "We're DUMB!" And that is how we got our name. I am very proud of it and the logo I made for the band is posted on the bottom. We are just goofing around for Battle of the Bands, but while it lasts, I'm gonna have fun with it.

Guitar is really fun. I am enjoying every minute of it. The more and more I think of it, I've decided it's what I want to do. I am going to continue to go to school and pay my way through education, but at the same time, I am going to continue to take lessons, (for as long as I can afford them), and persue music. If all else fails, I still have my guitar and a pen and paper. My parents would never approve, so yes, I will get my education, and I will pursue IT and guitar at the same time.

Tonight, we went to see Austin, Molly, and Matt W. in the jazz band at the Woodinchewkowski City Council. I never realized Austin was so amazing at playing the sax! I was blown! It was fantastic! Even more fantastic was how Chris V. played the guitar! That kid can tear the guitar apart! It was amazing! I had never heard Chris play before, all I knew was from what people had told me, which has been nothing but praise. Now I can see why. The other day in the back of my car when I was practicing, Austin noticed my notebook of graphing notes and theory and such, and told me that Chris V. had learned the same things and now he was playing the way he is playing NOW! I am very excited. Perhaps if I continue pressing on ("pressing on! pressing on! and I won't sit back and take this anymore coz I'm done with that, I've got one foot out the door!"), sorry.. If I contine to... pursue... guitar lessons with Rick, just maybe, MAYBE, I'll get to be half as good as Chris. Anyways, once again, I am sorry I have not BLOGed. I will try my darndest to keep you up to date with my daily events. I'm not exactly sure what is so interesting about this anyway. I mean, really, how many people are reading this, hmmm?

So yeah, just remember, in the famous words of My Friend Dan, "Love God, Rock Hard."
Amen to that, brother. Amen.

Here is the DUMB LOGO!!!
Wow. Guitar. Can't get the word out of my mind. And because I've been so emotional about it lately, I've been outpouring lyrics. It's amazing what pure emotion can do to a person. I'm probably being obsessed, but if you want to get better at something, I think it requires quite a deal of dedication and a smidgen of obsession. I even used my 1/2 hour lunch period during school today to practice in the back of my car. It's a mitsubishi Montero, so lots of room in the back, yes? Maybe I'm pushing myself too hard.
I can't push myself too hard at something I'm so crazy about. I mean, can you push yourself too hard into getting to know God? Can you spend too much time and become too obsessed with devoting yourself to Jesus? I think not. However, it is important to keep priorities straight. God first. Guitar second. Amongst other things, I know, but those are the key ones right now.

Would you like an official jeffersonairplane pillow or a blanket? How about some relientK tunes to listen to as you wait?...
Basically, I haven't much to say, except that I wanted to put these lyrics up. It is a song called Life and Love and Why by a band called Switchfoot. I think it kinda talks about the stuff that I am feeling right now. Here they are:

Life and Love and Why by Switchfoot
Life and love and why
Child, adult, then die
All of your hoping and
All of your searching
For what
Ask me for what am I
Living or what gives
Me strength
That I'm willing to die for

Take away from me
This monstrosity
Cause my futile thinking's
Not gonna solve
Nothing tonight
Ask me for what am I
Living or what gives
Me strength
That I'm willing to die for
Could it be this
Could it be bliss
Could it be all that I
Ever had missed
Could it be true
Can life be new
And can I be used
Can I be used

Give a me reason for life
And for death
And a reason for
Drowning while I hold
My breath
Something to laugh at
A reason to cry
With everyone hopeless
And hoping for something
To hope for
Yeah, with something
To hope for

Could it be true
Can life be new
Could it be all that I am
Is in You
Could it be this
Could it be bliss
Can it be You
Can it be You

This song is very important to me and I will allow you to dwell on its words for a while. Read it through a second time if you must, but I think these lyrics are crucial.
One of my Christmas missions was completed tonight. I drove to Ben Franklin (craft supply store) and the place was booming. Everything was crazy. People were everywhere. Ben's was actually crowded. Crowded! I've never walked in there and have to wait in line to be ringed up, but I did tonight. It was wonderful, though. I really enjoyed myself. The store was playing jazzy Christmas carols over the intercom and there were Christmas decorations in every corner of the store. I came across some mistletoe and thought about buying some to hang in my doorway, but changed my mind for fear of what message it may come across. But I did find everything I had gone to look for. A miniature Christmas tree, some fake snow, a short strand of lights, some tinsil, and a long decorative gold bead necklace. When I got home, I cleared my hopechest of everything. My CD player, my pictures, my jewelry boxes-- everything. I set everything up and when I was finished, I was very satisfied. It was very festive. I also set up my CD player next to the highly decorated tree and played my beautifully mastered Christmas compilation CD playing M@ Thiessen and The Earthquakes and many other wonderful artists. I feel very accomplished right now.

I'm praying that it snows soon. The wind was crazy today. The power went out in many Woo-Town areas and elsewhere. The outage never reached my house though. We got lucky. I'm starting my video diary tonight because today is December 1, and I already mentioned what I was planning to do. Every day for the next 25 days I am going to video tape an entry, talking about all types of things, but mainly Christmas and how I feel about this time of year and such. I can't wait, it's gonna be fun.

All this has really cheered me up since the whole guitar thing, but still it lingers in the back of my mind. You have to get better. You have no choice. Get better. Work every day. You've got less than four months to absolutely rock your life! Blow their minds! Kick butt! Trust God! Pray! So on and so forth. All day long, different variations of these words are rolling in my mind. I guess people should pray for me.

A message from the jeffersonairplane staff. Please remain seated as the turbulence continues to jolt and jive. Thank you!