O dear! Haven't posted anything in a while. I apologize. Well, everything is becoming so hectic with all the festivities occurring all the time. Ah yes, festive-- my new favorite word. Anyways, I am becoming less and less stressed as the month presses on. I went to my guitar lesson on Tuesday and it was a very NON-stressful lesson. My teacher and I completely chorded out Evergreen by Switchfoot. It is a song we plan on playing for Battle of the Bands. Did I mention what we've decided to call the band? We're the Dilinquent Unified Minstrel Band! Or DUMB, if you so choose to call us. That Friday when we were playing, Austin was being stoopid while playing the drums, and I said to him, "You're dumb." Then Austin looked around and pointed at Sarah, stating, "Well, Sarah's dumb." Sarah looked around and laughed, "Then Dan's dumb!" Then Dan looked at me and said, "Carly's dumb!" There was a moment of silence, then I screamed, "We're DUMB!" And that is how we got our name. I am very proud of it and the logo I made for the band is posted on the bottom. We are just goofing around for Battle of the Bands, but while it lasts, I'm gonna have fun with it.
Guitar is really fun. I am enjoying every minute of it. The more and more I think of it, I've decided it's what I want to do. I am going to continue to go to school and pay my way through education, but at the same time, I am going to continue to take lessons, (for as long as I can afford them), and persue music. If all else fails, I still have my guitar and a pen and paper. My parents would never approve, so yes, I will get my education, and I will pursue IT and guitar at the same time.
Tonight, we went to see Austin, Molly, and Matt W. in the jazz band at the Woodinchewkowski City Council. I never realized Austin was so amazing at playing the sax! I was blown! It was fantastic! Even more fantastic was how Chris V. played the guitar! That kid can tear the guitar apart! It was amazing! I had never heard Chris play before, all I knew was from what people had told me, which has been nothing but praise. Now I can see why. The other day in the back of my car when I was practicing, Austin noticed my notebook of graphing notes and theory and such, and told me that Chris V. had learned the same things and now he was playing the way he is playing NOW! I am very excited. Perhaps if I continue pressing on ("pressing on! pressing on! and I won't sit back and take this anymore coz I'm done with that, I've got one foot out the door!"), sorry.. If I contine to... pursue... guitar lessons with Rick, just maybe, MAYBE, I'll get to be half as good as Chris. Anyways, once again, I am sorry I have not BLOGed. I will try my darndest to keep you up to date with my daily events. I'm not exactly sure what is so interesting about this anyway. I mean, really, how many people are reading this, hmmm?
So yeah, just remember, in the famous words of My Friend Dan, "Love God, Rock Hard."
Amen to that, brother. Amen.
Here is the DUMB LOGO!!!
Guitar is really fun. I am enjoying every minute of it. The more and more I think of it, I've decided it's what I want to do. I am going to continue to go to school and pay my way through education, but at the same time, I am going to continue to take lessons, (for as long as I can afford them), and persue music. If all else fails, I still have my guitar and a pen and paper. My parents would never approve, so yes, I will get my education, and I will pursue IT and guitar at the same time.
Tonight, we went to see Austin, Molly, and Matt W. in the jazz band at the Woodinchewkowski City Council. I never realized Austin was so amazing at playing the sax! I was blown! It was fantastic! Even more fantastic was how Chris V. played the guitar! That kid can tear the guitar apart! It was amazing! I had never heard Chris play before, all I knew was from what people had told me, which has been nothing but praise. Now I can see why. The other day in the back of my car when I was practicing, Austin noticed my notebook of graphing notes and theory and such, and told me that Chris V. had learned the same things and now he was playing the way he is playing NOW! I am very excited. Perhaps if I continue pressing on ("pressing on! pressing on! and I won't sit back and take this anymore coz I'm done with that, I've got one foot out the door!"), sorry.. If I contine to... pursue... guitar lessons with Rick, just maybe, MAYBE, I'll get to be half as good as Chris. Anyways, once again, I am sorry I have not BLOGed. I will try my darndest to keep you up to date with my daily events. I'm not exactly sure what is so interesting about this anyway. I mean, really, how many people are reading this, hmmm?
So yeah, just remember, in the famous words of My Friend Dan, "Love God, Rock Hard."
Amen to that, brother. Amen.
Here is the DUMB LOGO!!!