For the first time since, I believe, the ninth grade, I have received an email survey. Shall I fill it out? Oh yes... Oh yes I will.
Have you ever...
- Been in love? For the most part. Yes.
- Used someone? Sadly, yes.
- Been used? I believe, yes.
- Done something you regret? Unfortunately.
Who was the last person...
- You touched? Nick.
- You talked to? Nick...
- You hugged? Nick, dang it!
- You instant messaged? Ryan. My hero.
- You kissed? Never. Wait, does my mom count?
- You yelled at? My sister, Cassie. Thanksgiving.
- You laughed with? Sheesh... Nick.
Have you/are you/do you...
- Considered a life of crime? Besides stealing hershey's kisses from friends? No.
- Considered being a hooker? Can I be the hooker's friend who opposes the profession?
- Are you psycho? I'd say 99% of the time.
- Anxiety? Not too much.
- Depressed? Naw... Every day's a good day.
- Suicidal? Never! Life rocks hardcore!
- Understanding? Mostly, but I can't give the advice I'd like to give sometimes simply because I don't know what the person/friend is really going through.
- Open-minded? Yeah, I think so. Yup.
- Arrogant? Is that when you think people are inferior compared to yourself?
- Insecure? In faith: No. In myself: yeah, a lot.
- Interesting? My ability to say stupid things quite often is something I find very interesting.
- Hungry? I just ate.
- Friendly? Yes.
- Moody? When I first wake up in the morning, I can't say anything besides "Meh." But by the time I am on the road, taking Kyle to school, we start the day with a great conversation involving lots of "your mom's" and other strange noises you won't hear outside Kylecarlydome.
- Childish? Yes. Very much so. I still sit on the floor crosslegged when I watch cartoons.
- Independent? As much as a girl can be still living at home with her parents.
- Hard working? I'm trying...
- Organized? Again, I try.
- Healthy? Yeah. Although, hershey's kisses defeat my willpower.
- Emotionally Stable? Yes, but I'm confused a lot.
- Shy? Not usually. Around a guy I like, sometimes.
- Attractive? No comment.
- Bored Easily? Yes. However, my friends have very exciting lives and quite often invite me to join them. Thanks be to God for my wonderful, wonderful friends!
- Responsible? Quite. Although, I'm usually home at least a half hour past curfew.
- Current Clothes: White Gap tank-top, striped collared T-shirt from the Canadian Value Village I visited two weeks ago, black and blue glow-in-the-dark bracelets, beige rocker pants with a mustard stain on the left knee. I don't wear a lot of jewelry--no necklaces or earrings.
- Current Mood: Stressed about tomorrow. Lots of homework to do. Editing the video at 8:00 AM. Finishing this PowerPoint presentation before tonight's end. Confused about my friendship with Nick. Missing Ryan, wishing he would be here tomorrow instead of Sunday. Leah, too. I miss her daily involvement in my life. Stephanie--come home soon! I want Erin to be home for Christmas, but God has her learning in Australia. Alex and Nathan--Medford friends who will always have a special place in my heart. I'm in love with the family of friends I have. I wish my brother was still awake so we can wrestle, joke, and laugh with each other while constantly reminding ourselves to be quiet because we don't want to wake mom and dad. I wish I was talking to Jetchick on the phone, telling him about my love for Christmas trees. Lastly, I'm longing for Wednesday night, when all this will be over and I can welcome home my lovely friends...
- Current Taste: No one has ever told me what I taste like, and I have yet tried my self.
- Current Hair: Pulled back. Wavy. Unkempt. Meh.
- Current Annoyance: Michael W. Smith's version of the Christmas Carol, "Emmanuel." Meh, let's just say Michael W. Smith.
- Current Smell: Textbook.
- Current thing you ought to be doing? PowerPoint presentation for Drama 101.
- Current Desktop Picture: The candid shot I took of Erin opening her door to greet me.
- Current Book: Daily Devotional/Bible.
Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis.
- Current DVD In Player: "Ice Age."
- Current Refreshment: Jones's Fufu Berry Soda.
- Current Worry: Getting all my homework done.
- Current Crush: He already knows...
What/Who is your favourite...
- Celebrity: Jon Foreman, lead singer for Switchfoot. He was so nice that time we saw the band play and he prayed with my friends and me for Erin, who was in Australia that first time.
- Food: Lean Cuisine.
- Drink: I hate it because I drink too much of it. I'm trying to quit. Diet Coke.
- Colour: Yay! You spelt it with a "u"--Allow me to humoUr you with my favoUrite color(s): I like all coloUrs, but blue sticks out for me.
- Shoes: My black, low-top chucks. They make me feel cool.
- Candy: Um... Hershey's Kisses.
- Movie: I have so many, it's ridiculous. Here's a few: The Truman Show: so great; American History X: convicting, moving; Pleasantville: encouraging, metaphorical; High Fidelity: blunt, fun, this-is-life, hilarious; 10 Things I Hate About You: stupid teenage romance; Hook: memories of me running around our living room, leaping from the sofa and screaming "I can fly!" but failing miserably. However, the dream is still brewing...
- Vegetable: Steamed broccoli... Mmm.
- Fruit: Pears. Fresh ones. Not the canned kind.
On the opposite sex...
- Long or short hair? I prefer shaggy. Casual. Wake up and go. Too short is bad. Very bad.
- Dark or light hair? Darker. Natural.
- Tall or short? Taller than me, I suppose. Anything above 5'6".
- Sensitive or Funny? Funny, but not oblivious to my feelings.
- Good or bad? Good, but with an adventurous side. Who wouldn't want to jump into that park fountain and collect pennies? Who?
- Dark or light eyes? Dark.
- Hat or no hat? Vizors are cool, but only on some guys... Ryan.
- Pierced or no? Either way. I could care less. I like them, but a guy doesn't need them.
- Freckles or none? Freckles are pretty cute. Although, I have them, and I have yet to make my mind up about them.
- Stubble or neatly shaven? Something about stubble... I always liked rubbing my face against my dad's stubble as a kid. When he had a day's growth, I would say, "Daddy, you need to trim your stems." I've liked them ever since.
- Rugged outdoorsy type or sporty type? Sporty, but likes to go for walks or willing to take a hike now and then. Camping is fun.
On preferences...
- Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? Hot apple cider.
- McDonalds or Burger King? My kitchen.
- Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend? Definitely the perfect friend.
- Sweet or sour? Hmm... sour.
- Sappy/action/comedy/horror? Romantic comedies are my best friends, but I always end up wishing I had a boyfriend afterwards.
- With or without ice-cubes? With. They're the crunchy goodness at the end.
- Shine or rain? Showers with sun breaks.
- Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? I love the fall... But winter.
- Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla... with chocolate syrup.
- Fly or breathe under water: Have you tried either?
- Bunk-bed or waterbed? Bunk-bed! Midnight pillow wars! Waterbeds never seem to stop moving... Up and down... Side to side... Seasickness is the pits...
- Chewing gum or hard candy? Hard candy. Nowandlaters.
- Motor boat or sailboat? Motorboat. Less work.
- Chicken or fish? Fishy fishy fishy...
What's your favourite:
- Number? Seven. It looks cool.
- Holiday? Christmas... What can I say? But runner up? Fourth of July, baby! The fireworks! Oh, the pyrotechnics!!!
- Place? Anywhere I have a friend.
- Flower? Tulip!!! For Sarah.
- Scent? Pipe smoke...
- If you could be anywhere, where would you be? Canada...
- Can you do anything freakish with your body? Besides belly dancing?
- Do you have a favourite animal? Dogs. But I am partial to horses. Tuffy. He and I are a team.
- Person to spend every day with: Jesus.